Home & Away, stories, cool site... oh, and I've been humiliated
Right, big update as promised...
Firstly, cheers to Pete from Splat! for this mighty fine pic [2 halves of 1 pic]. Hopefully the blond guy in the background will get a proper sliming in the near future! And the other guy that stayed clean... I mean, what's the point of having 3 hot guys and only sliming one?! Also make sure to pay Pete's site a visit, season 3 is on the way of the Splat! Show!

Next, [and although Andy beat me to it] check out the SUPERB stories over on Gunge Central. I'm loving the work of Feral Child, can't wait for more!
Also, I discovered GUNJEE earlier today. You have to pay if you want to see the vids, and mostly it's dunk tanks rather than actual gungings [although they seem to be on the increase] but I LOVE it. Basically a wet / messy student nightclub tour! Genius! Well worth an explore, and worth the subscription to see all the vids, I reckon, if only to see this hot guy getting a bucket of slime dumped on him, when he was only expecting a dunking in water...

Finally, back to Gunge Central and I've done my humiliation at long last. It was disgusting... here's a preview, I'll be sending the full set to Andy today so check out GC for the update.

re: the Home & Away pics
"The blonde guy in the background" has not been gunged to my knowledge, but there are plenty of wet pics of him around (his character on the show is - was - a surfer).
"The other guy who stayed clean" has been gunged at least twice. One of them was, as with Jesse McCartney, and the Australian Kids' Choice Awards in 2005. (And he didn't know he was going to be gunged then, either, so it was kewl.)
His name, for people who want to find some pics (I'm not capping any), is Jason Smith.
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