Cool new gunge story from a new author to the blog

This was when Chris began to get a bit nervous, the one thing that he absolutely hated was getting messy - infact, he often would call in sick if he was supposed to play rugby in muddy conditions.
But, not wanting to look like a wimp he went outside and soon wished he hadn't agreed. At first he saw two things, a large gunge tank, which looked like it could hold an awful lot amount of gunge, and a paddling pool (all this was set up on a grass field). "Now Chris," the speaker said, "we have asked 10 of your most recent dates to come along and ask you one question each, and for each question you get wrong your will get one bucket of something poured over you. I'll give you once chance to take your decision back, but then, there's no going back". Chris was now not looking so confident, but he decided he had better, and hey, it could be good for his image right? He then agreed to stay on and not take it back. "Well then Chris, your first decision is whether you want to take on the gunge tank, or the paddling pool first?" He decided to get the worst over first and went for the gunge tank. "Well then hop on in and lets get started with our first round of 5 ladies."
Chris slowly made his way over to the tank, in no hurry to get messy, he got in and took his place on the stool, placing his bare feet on the bars below hoping he wouldnt get his feet messy. "Ok first question................. oops wrong" Chris cringed, "ok, ready, 3,2,1 Gunge Him!!!!!" and with that his perfectly done hair was smothered by bright green gunge, his shirt got a nice, thick coating, even his shorts were coated, he tried to stand up as a reflex to get the gunge off, but only slipped and fell back covering himself even more. "How does it feel in there?" the speaker said "Actually, its kind of refreshing, in this heat" Chris replied, being careful not to let everyone know he was hating this experience. "Well then, if you want to sit back down on the stool, we shall carry on" the speaker said, noticing Chris wasn't enjoying his experience. "Oh, right" Chris said, and sat down, squishing the gunge in every imaginable place, as the 4 other questions were asked, he managed to save himself from another coating twice got coated once, and he was on to the last question, "Ok, now Chris, here's a chance to redeem yourself, your current girfreind will now ask you a question, answer right, and you are free to go, answer wrong, and you will get a triple gunging and move on to the next round. "Bring it on" Chris replied, gathering any sence of courage he still had left. "Ok, you heard him bring it on!!" his girfriend asked the question, which he got wrong, but suddenly remembered the correct answer and blurted it out, just as, everyone began to chant "Gunge Him!! Gunge Him!! Gunge Him!!", and so, the chain was pulled, giving him an entire minute of non-stop gunging, and by the time it was over, the gunge was up to the top of his ankes, and his feet were now a very coulerfull blue, green, red, and silver, as was the rest of his body. "Well," the speaker said, "I guess somebody is moving to the next round, but, seeing as you did get the last question right...eventualy, we have a treat, you get to choose someone to endure this with you!" "Finally!", Chris Shouted, "Mike get your butt over here!" Mike was also a 16-year old boy, who was his best friend on the rugby team, and also, quite vain. On this particular day he was wearing a grey quicksilver t-shirt, blue, surf shorts, and a pair of sneakers.

As he came out from the crowd, Chris (who was still in the gunge tank) saw Mike mutter the words "I hate you to him", to which he smiled, "Well Mike, its time for you too, to become barefoot, and take the first seat in the paddling pool." Mike gave a very ungrateful smile took his shoes and socks off and went and sat on one of the chairs in the paddling pool. "Well, Chris, come over and join him." Now they were both sitting side-by-side in the paddling pool giving each other nudges. Now, for the next round the much each choose a number between one and ten (because having 5 more questions for Chris would mean Mike would stay as clean as a bell!) and 5 of those numbers would correspond to a messy bucket:
1: Gunge
2: Empty
3: Empty
4: Porridge
5: Empty
6: Egg Yolks
7: Baked Beans
9: Empty
10: Chocolate Sauce
For the first round Chris chose No 6 and Mike chose No 4
"Well, then guys, lets see what you have for your first course,"
Two of Chris' girfriends picked up a 10 litre bucket each and were given a 3 second countdown.....3 (Mike + Chris looked at each other) 2, 1 Gunge them!!!!!!! and at that moment Chris began to get egg yolks slowly poured on top of him and gave a shudder as it mixed with the gunge. And Mike, his first messy encounter was actually enjoying it (something Chris despised) He loved the creamy texture sliding everywhere around his body and squishing it between his toes. Suddenly the school bell rang, not that anyone noticed (except Chris, who now had a new love for the school bell) "Well everyone, it looks like we ran out of time, so lets do something special, girls pour all the mixtures together and divide them among the containers!" The new colour of the substance can only be described as a muddy brown, with lots of tiny beans in it... even Mike didnt like the look of this. "Well it looks like we are ready, can I have a countdown from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GUNGE THEM!" and the brownish colour began to fall on them slowly, as everyone else enjoyed watching these two cringe, they wanted to savour it, the boys were eventually covered by this brownish colour from their hair to their bare feet and then, two girls from behind them, pulled out the seats from under them, sending them splatting into all the gunge, and other stuffs below "Well guys, lets leave these guys to it, school dismissed for 2005!"
Mike and Chris stayed for about an hour throwing this stuff at each other (with still quite a large audience) with other people joining in in getting these guys messy, and eventually, the whole rugby team, were shirtless and barefoot and covered in various gunges.
not bad i have read better but the ending could have been better
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