More contributions, a great new original story and a general note about contributing stuff!
Mornin' all,
Had a few very kind contributions from readers, firstly this set of photos from "Teacher Sundae"...
...and yet more messy goings on, this time in a UK school...

It's great to get contributions from readers, so I guess it'd be worth clarifying what sort of stuff we're after. GUNGE! Any sort of mess, and that includes pies, so long as it's not "bodily" mess if you know what I mean!?! We'd like photos, links to websites, videos, ideas, thoughts on the world of gunge and stories [which I'll come back to in a minute].
We'd be entering dangerous territory if we showed any phots of people getting gunged / pied that appear to be under about 15 or 16 years of age, so I think we'll make that our lower age limit. Also no sexual stuff please when submitting pictures for the blog - however, links to other sites can be labled as containing sexual content, as can any stories submitted... just so readers can have a choice on whether to click the link or continue reading.
I personally would love for more stories to be sent in. The one submitted below is what I would consider to be a classic example of what I like to read. I was also thinking it would be good if any budding artists out there fancied drawing a comic strip story, or maybe even photoshop-ing a story?! I used to create some simple comic strips when I was younger and still quite good at drawing, though I've lost the ability these days it seems. I might have a crack at writing a story or two though.
Plus, have you ever been browsing a site like Faceparty or other site with lots of cute guys on, and fancied gunging some of the smug faces you see? Why not write a story about whoever it is getting gunged [or whatever], and send in the story along with a a link to their profile... afterall, it'll give them more attention! Or perhaps you've already written a story, and are just looking for someone "real" to be your victim? The same goes for famous faces or perhaps mates, of course, so long as they won't mind you showing their pix on the net.
Enough babbling from me, here's the story that I promised, kindly submitted by one of our lovely readers:
Carl was the sort of guy everyone liked. He was 17, blonde highlights, brown eyes, a good sense of humour but very vain. Marco had just turned 18, good looking with blonde highlights and green eyes but a bit of a presumptuous guy however he would try anything once.
Both of them played tennis and they decided to take part in their clubs fundraiser quiz. It was all for a good cause – the tennis courts needed lighting and so the club organised a fundraiser quiz. The winning team would get a year’s free membership. The losing team would have to undergo a forfeit.
Marco was confident he would win. Carl didn’t fancy doing a forfeit. So they both teamed up together. A day before the quiz they met up to start preparing for it.
On the day they both wore white t-shirts, track suit bottoms, white socks and trainers. They were there on time. On the stage was set up in the middle of the tennis courts. There were two benches with a buzzer each and in the middle a gunge tank full of green gunge.
As soon as Carl saw the gunge tank he got kind of nervous. He didn’t want to get gunged. He spent a lot of time getting ready and he didn’t want to get messy. Marco saw how nervous Carl was. He wanted to win. But he also wanted to see how Carl would react in the gunge tank.
Marco decided that it would be funny to see Carl get gunged. He was sort of nervous about getting gunged but he didn’t give it a second thought and decided to purposely lose the quiz and get a good gunging.
Up they went. Marco was getting all the questions wrong. Almost at the end he realised what the gunging would entail. When he decided he didn’t fancy getting gunged it was too late. Carl was hating every minute of it.
Then the presenter announced that it was time for the gunging.
Carl and Marco knew what awaited them. They removed their shoes and socks and went into the tank in their bare feet. They could smell the custard above them. The gunge looked thick, they had exaggerated with the food colouring and it looked dark. They just stood there looking vulnerable…
All of a sudden a countdown began….
“five, 4, 3, 2, 1…. Gunge them”
All of a sudden the whole tank above them was emptied. They closed their eyes and felt the cold gunge hit their head, slowly dribbling down the spikes. Carl looked down – he didn’t want any to go on his face. Marco tried avoiding it but since the tank was small it got him well and good. Their gelled hair flopped down and was green with the gunge that hit them.
They tried wiping it off their faces but more came. After a couple of seconds it all stopped… they looked at each other surprised at how messy they were. Marco was laughing and looked as though he was enjoying it. Carl wasn’t so enthusiastic. He almost slipped in the slippery gunge. They wiped some off their faces and were let out of the tank. The compere thanked them for being good sports and they where let off to the showers.
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