Messy Dudes is online

Possibly the World's first online blog dedicated to GUNGE! A place to share ideas, experiences, pictures, links and lots more besides... so long as it is to do with gunge! Loads of original gunge fiction... WANT TO HELP? LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP ME KEEP THE BLOG UP-TO-DATE! CONTACT ME:
As well as me being very busy, it seems that the people who run the world of online gunge must be busy with other things as well. The only site that seems to be moving is our partner-in-crime Gunge Central with regular updates, an increasingly lively forum and some great interactive stuff too. Thankfully more people are getting involved with the interactive stuff as well.... Just to put the record straight, I don't LIKE getting gunged too much, I only volunteer for these things in the hope that others will too! SO DO IT! Thank you.
A new site called MessyDudes has been added to the internet. It promises free access to photos and much more. It opens this month so keep ur eyes open (as well as those cans of bean ;) )and keep checking to see this wonderful looking site come to life.
Hey everyone. this is a bit of a personal post, but I just made a Yahoo 360 page for myself so if you wanna check it out,, its got a bit more insite into me so if u wanna know what im into and stuff... Also, i think Blogger is stable now so that means go right a head and start commenting, remmber, u dont have to be a member of Blogger to comment. and if u wish, send us an email with remarks or suggestions. stories are also welcome, we love those. And for those out there who like to steal and plaigureize, dont bother, the whole gunge community will be out to get you. If u really want the story, email us and we'll get u permission. So yeah. I got a new 360 blog and Bloggers stable. Oh.. i suppose if you also want, If you'd like to chat with us online, use our gmail account, and give us a call on Gmail. If you dont have a gmail account, request an invite from us.
Well... Dan here, it appears that Blogger messed up a few of our posts so yeah... i know 2 of mine didnt even make it...