Thursday, May 04, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
May the Second be with You! [Couldn't wait til Thurs, sorry]
We're still here! Just about! Bet you thought we'd disappeared... but nope! I got the same old excuse, I just been way to busy with work to update myself, but many thanks to Feral for posting what will hopefully be the first of many great stories - please keep letting us know what you think, whether good or bad, so we know what you'd like to see.
Right then, to business. First, The Gunge Club, and hats off to Dave as his site is always beeing updated. Loads and loads of new piccies to enjoy [I think it's probably the biggest collection on the net, to be honest - there isn't much stuff on other sites that you can't find here!] and also some classic [and by that I mean GOOD, not just OLD] clips have been added to the video site [free registration needed], most notably the Kristian Schmidt sliming from Noel's House Party, and an interesting gunge tank clip from Noel's Saturday Roadshow where a guy gets drenched in "manure" from the tank!

For those who haven't seen "YouTube" yet, it's a good resource for random clips in general, but not a huge amount of gunge clips.... yet. You get a better result by typing "slimed" into the search box, as "gunge" doesn't really bring up a whole lot of gunge! There's one or two decent clips there, more if you're into seeing females gunged.
Sneak preview pic of the next show you say? Ah go on then...

Matt might be in the tank now, but who's gonna be trapped inside when the gunge is released? Sadly, I have to wait to find out, just like the rest of you! All that I DO know is that these two will be appearing on our screens [or monitors?] more than once this year... plus a few other exceptionally fit guys who require a darn good gunking or two as well!
Keep your eyes on Splat, great things are coming... [how was that, Pete? Cheques in the post you say? Hehe.]
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Ryan le Bar makes contact... perhaps... and wants to sue my ass!
An interesting email in my inbox this morning, as well as a comment which you can all see for yourself under where the Ryan le Bar story was.
My question is this, dear readers... do you believe it's really Ryan? The post is all in capital letters. The email was sent DIRECTLY to me, not via The Gunge Blog email [and I don't think I've really advertised my own email that much]. And the spelling ain't that great in either. So I'm inclined to think it's a not-so-clever reader pulling an early April Fools prank! But just on the off chance, I've removed the story for now, since "Ryan" has his lawyers in LA standing by [despite being a Canadian resident - odd].
Even if it was really Ryan, is someone who has photos in the public domain really able to criticise when someone else uses them, and writes a story about them [clearly fictional, though "Ryan" seems to think it's implying that it's true]? If the name that appeared had been made up, like "Rick le Buff" or whatever, and a small disclaimer saying that all characters are fictional, any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental etc make any difference?
As I said, I honestly believe this is a prank... if not, the author's note at the top of the story seemed to be very true indeed! I mean, come on - if you google his name, this site doesn't appear. How the hell did he find it! [Sorry, Mr le Bar, if you are reading this... but I need a little more proof it's actually you. And I'd ask you're a little more polite next time, throwing offensive language at me just makes me angry.]
I'd really like to hear some views on this!